Rishi Sunak will be the first UK Prime Minister of colour and the second PM of non-christian background. UK had the first and only Jewish PM - Benjamin Disraeli ( Conservative 1868 to 1868 & 1874 to 1880).
It's highly significant for today's Britain which is evolving as a multicultural society. For the kids that grow up today in UK who come from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, they can see someone who does not look caucasian, rise to the top post in government.
It is not some diversity and inclusion slogan that receives the usual lip service. It is someone who looks different being able to rise to the top job by performance.
The Hindu community has always been hardworking and enterprising. We have had leaders from the Hindu community who have risen to key Cabinet roles. Instead of playing second and third fiddle, this is the first time a non-christian has risen to the top job in the 150 years of British political history.
10 years ago David Cameron predicted that the only conservative party will give the first British Indian PM and this is becoming true today. (1)
Rishi will be the first nerdy PM
During an interview with BBC a reporter was quizzing him casually on Star Wars. Rishi Sunak got correct answers for all the questions in that quiz (2). When I played that part of the interview to my 16-year-old daughter, she was very happy to see a nerd becoming the next PM. It is an example of a young politician becoming relevant to a younger generation.
Rishi Sunak is a person "with a lot of attention to details"
As per a current conservative MP, "If Rishi Sunak walks into a meeting with the permanent secretary for an important discussion on an issue, he will be the person in the meeting room, who knows more details on the issue than the permanent secretary. He demonstrated it day in and day out as a chancellor with clinical accuracy on top details 24/7. We need someone like him to sort out the economic mess. "
Former Chancellor, George Osborne recently reflected a similar view that Rishi is the right person to solve the current problems with the British Economy.
Rishi Sunak's attention to detail is not just limited to facts and figures
It was a political dinner party in London and a political correspondent was having a casual conversation and someone asked her how long she has been in that role. She casually mentions that couple of years. Rishi Sunak who is part of the conversation corrects her saying "it's more like 6 years isn't it?" She was completely taken aback, as Rishi was right that she has been in that role for 6 years and she was completely surprised that being on Rishi Sunak's radar. That's an example of Rishi being a people person who remembers interactions and people very clearly.
Everyone knows it's going to be a tough job
Everyone knows that it's going to be tough. With the global economy faltering and the UK economy with Anemic growth for decades and the British pound weak for the last 10+years, it's not going to be an easy job.
The toughest part being the leader of a fragmented conservative party. Rishi is the only leader from that party calling out for party unity for a very long time. Time will tell whether he will be successful.
1. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world/cameron-predicts-first-brit-indian-conservative-pm/story-mQMem7b02nQJOXJm9ISOxM.html
2. Rishi Sunaks interview last summer. please listen to the first 3 minutes, if not the whole, 🤓
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