Thursday, August 15, 2019

India had the first female doctor before Britain had their own !

Today (15-08-2019),

Google had a doodle for Louisa Blake, the first female physician in Britain. Louisa Aldrich-Blake graduated in medicine from the Royal Free Hospital in 1893.

I was curious to find out when India had its first female doctor. Found that Anandi Gopal Joshi was the first female doctor, she completed her MD in 1886 from Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania. On her graduation, Queen Victoria sent her a congratulatory message. She returned to India and was appointed, physician-in-charge of the female ward of the local hospital in Kohlapur.

The interesting fact is India had its first female doctor before Britain. The reason for this comparison is that was the time when India was ruled by Britain.  Google,  we don't have any issues you recognising Lousia Blake. Can you recognise Anandi Gopal Joshi too?

Reached out to Google. let's see Anandi gets her due recognition too. :-)


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