Sunday, June 26, 2016

A day trip with Guruji ( Sri Sri Ravishankar)

Had the opportunity to travel in the bus with Guruji during his visit to Edinburgh on 17-June-2016.

We started by bus from Edinburgh to Loch Katrine.  Out of the 4 buses that were arranged for the trip, Guru ji came in our bus in the onward journey. 

Our bus had about 40 people with least 5 different nationalities and more than 50% of the crowd where people not of European origin.  There was a girl from Bulgaria, who was explaining the work done by the Art of Living (AOL) in Sophia (Capital City of  Bulgaria) .

Its was interesting to see how Guruji was mobbed continously people were taking selfies and bothering him with their own problems, continously. 

Guruji was accompanied by Swami Jyothirmayananda.  Swamiji noticed that perhaps I was the only one in the bus who did not take a selfie and encouraged me to to and talk to Guruji. After seeing Guru ji being continously mobbed by people, i was hesitant and decided not to bother him. 

I came home had the dinner and went again to Mandir in the evening for the Sat Sangh. At the end of the Bajan Guruji had a Question and Answer session. 

I have been associated with AOL for almost 3 years now. Learnt Sudharshana Kriya with my wife Mahalakshmi about 3 years ago in Chennai when i was there in Summer of 2013.  Earlier in 2016, I attended the Sahaj Samadhi meditation course conducted by Stephene in Edinburgh.

------  Registering few thoughts on Art of Living (AOL) ----------------

Sri Aurobindo envisoned that 'India will play an enahanced spiritual role in the world'.

Sri Vivekanada proclaimed that 'Millions in every civilized land waiting for the message that will save them from the hideous abyss of materialism in to which the modern money worship is driving them along'.

We can already see the prophecies of those saints are coming true due to the work being done by AOL.

India is not just another country. Its one of the oldest and perhaps the only living civilization. It is not a society that is just stuck with one prophet or with just one messenger of God. Yogis and Rishis have come up again and again on that 'Punniya Bhomi' to prerve "Sanatana Dharma".

One of the greatest contribution of India to the world is "the discovery of the relationship between breathing and mind". AOL is taking this great discovery to every human being with it breathing techniques. 

The Hindu 'Vasudhaiva Kudumbam' (Universal Family) is actually being practiced and as a result a new global family is being created by AOL.

It is not easy to be a spiritual Guru in today's world. 

Thanks to AOL for the services to humanity in helping to preserve humanity. 


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Brexit - Whats the probability of it happening

Recent polls have been predicting the possibility of Brexit happening.  As of  now, i personally don't think Brexit will happen due the following reasons:

1.  The polls are done on a very small sample (about 1000) hence may not reflect the larger population. I dont think Scotland and Northern Ireland are adequately represented in these polls.  Population wise Scotland and Norther Ireland make about 11% of population of UK. Even with modest 7% vote towards the 'Stay'  from Scoland  (i.e 70% of Scotland voting to Stay in EU). The current projected Leave EU lead will be nullified.  Yes. Scots will the help in preserving EU membership of Britain.

2. Going against the status quo (i.e leaving the EU) needs lot more conviction. A reasonable number of people who are currenly in the border of 'Leave EU" will opt to continue the status quo. I have pesonally found 2 instances where these 2 people decided to go for 'Stay in EU' ( i.e changing from their earlier view before the postal vote).

3. The Stock markets are still not factoring in the possibility of Briexit.  Bookies also have greated accuracy in predicting.  As per the bookies the odds are still very much towards the 'Stay in EU"  campaign.  As per bookies percentage terms the probability of Brexit is only about 33%.

As of now, I think the actually 'Leave' camp will get around 40% vote share in the referendum.

There is also an interesting prespective that the referendum can be rejected by the Westminister parliament.


1.  The following page tracks the brexit poll outcomes

2. Bookies odds checker